IFCA’s New Youth Publication and 2016 Calendar Are Available for Sale!
- 2015-11-15
- All News
Volume 3 of our 20-page full color foster care alumni booklet is now available for sale.
This booklet contains essays and reports written by IFCA’s foster care alumni team members in the US and Japan.
From this bilingual booklet (Japanese and English), you will learn about the Japanese foster care system from former foster youth who experienced different types of institutions and struggles that they faced in these institutions. In this issue, you will also find American foster care alumni’s essays that talk about their experiences in travelling to Japan and making valuable and insightful suggestions for child welfare system improvement.
This year, we printed beautiful IFCA original calendars. It is full color and the size is 13 inches wide and 19 inches tall. If you put it in on your office or living room wall, you can view the whole year.
The youth booklet and the calendar are both $5. All proceeds will go to IFCA’s programs in 2016.
If you would like to order the above items, please write to info@ifcaseattle.org