IFCA selected Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) as its first mental health treatment program to be disseminated in Japan. Why do we focus on TF-CBT now?

The reason is based on the following circumstances in both the U.S. and Japan.

A recent survey revealed that 54 % of the United States’ foster youth were diagnosed with mental health conditions. The survey also stated that 25 % of them were suffering from PTSD, and this rate is twice the rate for war veterans. This survey led to the movement to provide foster children mental health treatment from a young age and with efficacy proven by clinical studies. Evidence Based Practice (EBP) became the main stream of mental health practice in the U.S. In Washington State, the congress passed a bill (2007) requiring Children and Family Services to utilize EBPs as the primary treatment methods for abused/neglected children. Among all the Evidence Based Practices, TF-CBT is highly recommended for treatment of childhood PTSD and other trauma symptoms.

In Japan, during the last several years, there has been a trend to utilize American therapeutic methods that are evidence based. Clinicians and psychiatrists traveled to the U.S. to learn TF-CBT from its developers. The developer’s book, “ Treating Trauma and Traumatic Grief in Children and Adolescents” (Judith A. Cohen, Anthony P. Mannarino, Esther Deblinger) will soon be published in Japanese. The TF-CBT website is also translated into Japanese.
Child abuse and neglect cases are increasing rapidly in Japan and, more than ever before, effective therapeutic methods are sought for these child victims. The large earthquake/tsunami in the eastern Japan brought challenges to many children who lost their family members. They suffer from complex trauma and grief symptoms and need effective and timely therapy.

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