What is Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)?

TF-CBT is an evidence-based treatment shown to help children, adolescents and their caregivers overcome trauma-related difficulties. It is designed to reduce negative emotional and behavioral responses following child sexual abuse and other traumatic events. The treatment is based on learning and cognitive theories and addresses distorted beliefs related to the abuse. TF-CBT provides a supportive environment in which children are encouraged to talk about their trauma experience. TF-CBT also helps parents and who were not abusive to cope effectively with their own emotional distress and develop skills that support the children.

TF-CBT combines elements drawn from various therapy techniques including cognitive therapy, behavioral therapy and family therapy.
The acronym PRACTICE reflects the components of the treatment model: Psychoeducation and parenting skills, Relaxation skills, Affect expression and regulation skills, Cognitive coping skills and processing, Trauma narrative, In vivo exposure (when needed), Conjoint parent-child sessions, and Enhancing safety and future development. Although TF-CBT is generally delivered in 12-16 sessions of individual and parent-child therapy, it also may be provided in the context of a longer-term treatment process.

For more information, go to the following TF-CBT website. http://tfcbt.musc.edu/

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