For the safety, wellbeing and permanency of foster children, IFCA wants to spread the best foster parent support methods. This is a big topic in both the U.S. and Japan. In the U.S., to remedy the consistent decline in foster parents, many new foster parent recruitment and retention programs were introduced. In Japan, there is an on-going effort to reduce the youth population in large residential facilities and to place these foster children in more family-like settings.
In the “Caregiver Issues in the US and Japan” section, IFCA provides information on American and Japanese foster parents’ current concerns and circumstances, and creates a platform for both countries’ to exchange ideas and thoughts. There are cultural differences between the U.S. and Japan. However, these two countries share similar concerns including difficulty recruiting new foster parents, scarce resources for relative caregivers, and the lack of connection among foster parents. In this website, IFCA also introduces “Collaborative Caregiver Projects” between the US and Japan.
Caregiver Interviews
Mr. & Mrs. Nihanda, Japan
(English translation of this interview will be available soon.)Read More »

Mrs. Tsunoda, Japan
(English translation of this interview will be available soon.)Read More »

Caregiver Issues in the U.S. and Japan
Current Status of American Caregivers
You can learn about Japanese foster parents and relative caregivers from the reports and discussions in this section. (English translation will be posed soon. )

Current Status of Japanese Caregivers
You can learn about American foster parents and relative caregivers from the reports and discussions in this section. Read More »

Collaborative Caregiver Projects
Currently, IFCA is consulting with the Mockingbird Society (a Seattle-based NPO) with the aim of introducing the Mockingbird Society's Family Model (a unique and effective foster/kinship family support system) to Japan. If you or your organization wants to receive more information about this project, please contact IFCA at
Mockingbird Family Model Diagram
This work is based on the Mockingbird Family Model as developed by The Mockingbird Society.